Santa is a character who appears seasonally on the Home Island in a sled-themed boat during the Saving Christmas event. Santa asks the players to collect presents that fell into the water as he was transporting them from his factory. These presents can be found floating on the water in each of the destinations or can be fished out. A total of 520 presents are required to complete Santa's final quest.
Part 1[]
Ho! Ho! Ho! Hi <player name>! You're probably wondering how I know you. As it happens, I know the names of all the children.
I was rushing with packages, but I think I took a too-sharp turn past the Equator, and I scattered them a bit around the world.
The packages I was carrying from my factory fell into the water. I need a helper to collect them. I can't let down... customers!
It's going to be a super hard job, but if you bring me lost packages, I'll give you something extra! Do you think you can do it?
I knew I could count on you! Please bring me 20 packages as soon as possible and I will deliver them to my recipients.
The boxes should float, but some may have already sunk to the bottom. Maybe you can catch them.
Have you found all boxes?
I hope you find more packs! Kids... I mean, customers are waiting!
You are a great helper! Great job. I'm going to deliver gifts to every polite client. Please, this is your reward.
Come back tomorrow and I'll have a quest for you.
Part 2[]
Ho! Ho! Ho! Nice to see you <player name>!
It's amazing how you handled those packages. Ready for new challenges? Now it may be a bit more difficult.
I still have 50 addresses waiting for delivery. Bring me all the packages you can find. You will also get an extra gift!
Have you found all boxes?
Good job, but we need a few more! We only have a little left.
You surprise me with your stubbornness! I'm proud of you! Here is your reward.
Part 3[]
Oh, who do we have here? My favorite courier is named <player name>!
Do you have the strength to continue searching for missing packages?
It's amazing that you keep helping me. Let's collect 150 shipments and go to the children! Uh... I mean customers.
Have you found all boxes?
You are my best helper. I'm waiting for more packages.
You did it! You are wonderful. I couldn't do it without you. Take this prize. I'm going on with the packs.
Part 4[]
<player name>! How good to see you! Do you have a moment for me?
I made a lot of room in my sleigh. I still have space for 300 shipments. Can you collect that much?
Have you found all boxes?
Excellent! You are great! Just a few more packs, and we will have complete success.
It is impossible! Simply IMPOSSIBLE! How do you do that? Do you have any special powers? Hahaha!
There is a unique reward for your tremendous help! You fully deserved it! You have officially joined the ranks of my helpers!
You are a good man. Thanks again for your help. I'm going on a trip soon. See you later!