Pumpkin Pete, or simply Pumpkin, is a character who appears seasonally on the Home Island in a pumpkin-themed hot air balloon during the Saving Halloween event. Pumpkin asks the player to collect pumpkins that can be found floating on the water in each of the destinations or can be fished out. A total 230 pumpkins are required to complete Pumpkin Pete's final quest, following which he leaves the Home Island in his hot air balloon.
Part 1[]
Hey, hey! This is Pumpkin Pete, the CEO of "Creep it Real Inc." - the best event company that has ever graced the Earth.
I need someone with a "human" touch. I was supposed to organize pumpkins for Halloween, but... my balloon got caught in a storm and I lost the cargo.
Without pumpkins, there's no Halloween! Monsters and kids are devastated! I need your help.
It's a super challenging task, but I promise I'll reward you with something special. Will you collect them for me?
Great! Please, find 20 pumpkins for me. Hurry up! A monstrous party is about to start soon.
Some pumpkins are floating on the water, the rest... well, you'll have to fish them out.
Do you have any pumpkins?
Thank you. I hope the pumpkins are still in good condition.
You really did it? Wow! You're a master! Here's your promised reward!
Come back tomorrow, and I'll have a new quest for you.
Quest reward: 5 and pumpkin hat
Part 2[]
Booo! Did I scare you, <player name>? No? Alright, I'll keep working on that.
I know things went smoothly last time, but I need even more pumpkins! The orders keep coming in. Are you ready?
I still need to supply 40 more places. Watch out for ghosts! They fly around and shout: "Booo"! Some are not that bright.
Do you have any pumpkins?
Good job, but we need more! Just a little more effort.
Oh my! You truly are amazing! Take this reward. I'm in your debt!
Come back tomorrow, and I'll have a new quest for you.
Quest reward: 10 and pumpkin eye mask
Part 3[]
My wonderful monster and vegetable hunter! Hello <player name>!
The last batch of pumpkins was great, but we need even more. Can you spare the time and energy?
Thanks! For monsters, it's like a holiday! Please, deliver another 70 pumpkins to me.
Do you have any pumpkins?
You're a true friend. Monsters and ghosts count on you.
Here's your special reward! And by the way, you're always welcome in the monster world whenever you want!
Quest reward: 15 and pumpkin mouth mask
Part 4[]
Hello <player name>! Do you folks still say "hello"? Regardless, I need your help once again!
Just a few more pumpkins and we're set. With your assistance, it will only take a moment. Please, bring 100 pieces.
Do you have any pumpkins?
Perfect! Just a few more and we'll be fully successful.
You saved us and our holiday! You're brilliant! Without pumpkins, life is meaningless, even for a ghost.
And now, you're officially a monstrous assistant! Bravo! Here, you deserve an exceptional reward.
My hero! Thank you once again for your help. I'm off to work! See you soon!
Quest reward: 20 and Spooky Helper badge