Mike "Lock" Smith is a character who can be found in all destinations. Mike enjoys picking the locks of old treasure chests as a hobby, and usually asks the player to find an old treasure chest that he can break into. On the rare occasion, he also asks the player to bring him some spare wood to construct chests. Mike's boat has a key painted on the roof.
First encounter[]
Hi! I'm collecting old chests. Lockpicking is my specialty. Are you interested in cooperation?
The plan is easy, you bring me the chest, and I open the lock. Everything inside goes to you, and the chest goes to my collection. Ok?
Let's see if I can open it quickly.
Amazing mechanism! Thanks a bunch. See, according to our agreement, there will also be something for you!!
I hope we will see each other next time. Take these coins. It's yours!
Until next time, pal. Have a good day.
Subsequent encounters[]
Hi. Opening the last lock on your chest was a piece of cake. Will you bring something more challenging?
Welcome back. There are supposedly a lot of unique chests in this location. If you find something, visit me, okay?
As always - the coffer goes to me, and for you everything that is inside. Deal?
Let's see if I can open it quickly.
Amazing mechanism! This is great. See, according to our agreement, there will also be something for you!!
I hope we will see each other next time. Take these coins. It's yours!
Until next time, pal. Have a good day.
Hello <player name>! I'm sure you have a chest for me. But... not this time. Do you have excess wood?
I have an order for a couple of chests, and I'm short on raw materials. Bring me 4 sets of wood. You can find it everywhere.
Have you got something for me?
Excellent! Bring me more!
Well done. Now I can tinker as much as I want. Thank you! Please, this is your reward. X
1st anniversary celebration[]
I can't wait to see what the upcoming updates will bring!
- Mike "Lock" Smith is the only character offering daily quests in multiple locations who rewards the player with gems upon completion of the quest. 2 gems are occasionally available as rewards for the treasure chest quest as Mike promises that anything inside the chest will go to the player.