Creatures of the Deep Wiki

Alaska is the fourth fishing destination in Creatures of the Deep.

Requirement: Character level 4


65 (25 fish, 14 creatures, 25 trash items, 1 monster)

Fish, creatures and monsters can be caught using a variety of fishing techniques. Certain species can be caught only during day or night. Additionally, each species is more active during certain months of the year, during which larger fish (higher stars) can be caught. When a fish is out of season, it can still be caught, however, its size is limited to a maximum of 1 star.

The fish, creatures and trash below are listed alphabetically by default. They appear in a different order in the bestiary within the game.

Several fish, creatures and trash can be caught in multiple locations, which are provided in the tables below. For the best locations to catch a specific fish, creature, trash or monster, see the interactive map for Alaska.


Image Fish Rarity Location Time Season
AL F Arctic char 2 Arctic Char Common Center 1 , East 2, Halibut Cove, South 1, West 1 Day/Night June-September
AL F Arctic greyling 2 Arctic Greyling Common Canoe Islet, Cook Bay, Iceberg, Junk Bay, Whale Depths Day June-July
AL F Atka mackarel 2 Atka Mackerel Common Canoe Islet, Cook Bay, East 1, Whale Depths Day All
AL F Bigmouth sculpin 2 Bigmouth Sculpin Common East 2, Iceberg, Salmon Waters, South 1 Night All
AL F Blue lingcod 2 Blue Lingcod Rare Arctic Depths, Cold Bay, East 1, East 2, Salmon Waters, Whale Depths Day March-October
AL F Burbot 2 Burbot Common Arctic Depths, Iceberg, South 1, South 2, Whale Depths Night October-February
AL F Capelin 2 Capelin Common Arctic Depths, Cold Bay, Junk Bay, Whale Depths Day All
AL F Chum salmon 2 Chum Salmon Common Arctic Depths, Cold Bay, Knik Creek, Salmon Waters Day June-November
AL F Coalfish 2 Coalfish Common Center 1, North, South 1, West 1 Day/Night April-September
AL F Dolly varden 2 Dolly Varden Common Center 1, East 2, South 1, South 2 Day/Night All
AL F Halibut 2 Halibut Rare Arctic Depths, Halibut Cove Day/Night All
AL F Humpback salmon 2 Humpback Salmon Common Arctic Depths, Center 1, Salmon Waters, West 1 Day/Night April-August
AL F King salmon 2 King Salmon Epic Center 1, Salmon Waters Day April-September
AL F Lancetfish 2 Lancetfish Common East 2, North, Salmon Waters, South 1, South 2 Night All
AL F Ocean sunfish 2 Ocean Sunfish Epic Arctic Depths (UFO), East 2 Night May-September
AL F Pacific herring 2 Pacific Herring Common Arctic Depths, Arctic Village, Cold Bay, Knik Creek, Polar Beach, Salmon Waters Day/Night October-March
AL F Pacific sleeper shark 2 Pacific Sleeper Shark Epic Salmon Waters, South 1, Whale Depths Day/Night All
AL F Rougheye rockfish 2 Rougheye Rockfish Common Arctic Depths, Cold Bay, East 1, East 2, Whale Depths Day/Night All
AL F Salmon shark 2 Salmon Shark Epic Salmon Waters, Seal Bay, West Day/Night All
AL F Silver salmon 2 Silver Salmon Common Canoe Islet, Center 1, Cold Bay, Salmon Waters, Whale Depths Day July-October
AL F Sockeye salmon 2 Sockeye Salmon Common Center 1, Center 2, Salmon Waters, South 1 Night April-November
AL F Spiny skate 2 Spiny Skate Rare Most fishing spots (e.g. Arctic Depths, Iceberg, Salmon Waters, South 1, Whale Depths) Day/Night All
AL F Steelhead 2 Steelhead Common Cook Bay, North, South 1, Whale Depths Day/Night September-April
AL F Wolf eel 2 Wolf Eel Rare Arctic Depths, Arctic Village, Cook Bay, Knik Creek, Polar Beach, Salmon Waters, Seal Bay Night All
AL F Yellow Irish lord 2 Yellow Irish Lord Common Center 1, East 1, South 1, West 1 Day/Night All


Image Creature Rarity Location Time Season
AL C Adelie penguin 2 Adélie Penguin Common Cold Bay Day All
AL C Beluga whale 2 Beluga Whale Rare Whale Depths Day All
AL C California sea cucumber 2 California Sea Cucumber Common Arctic Depths, Center 1, East 1, Salmon Waters, South 1, South 2 Day/Night All
AL C Harbor seal 2 Harbor Seal Rare Knik Creek, Seal Bay Day March-November
AL C Humboldt squid 2 Humboldt Squid Common Arctic Depths, Whale Depths Night All
AL C Killer whale 2 Killer Whale Rare Whale Depths Day/Night All
AL C Moon jelly 2 Moon Jelly Common Arctic Depths, Canoe Islet, Cold Bay, East 1, East 2, Iceberg, Whale Depths Day/Night All
AL C Narwhal 2 Narwhal Rare East Small Island, Whale Depths Night All
AL C Polar bear 2 Polar Bear Rare Iceberg Day All
AL C Razor clam 2 Razor Clam Common Arctic Depths Day/Night All
AL C Red king crab 2 Red King Crab Common Arctic Depths, North, Polar Beach, Salmon Waters, Seal Bay Night All
AL C Rose star 2 Rose Star Common Arctic Depths, Cook Bay, Junk Bay, Knik Creek, Whale Depths Night All
AL C Spot prawn 2 Spot Prawn Common Arctic Village, Canoe Islet, East 2, Iceberg, Junk Bay, Whale Depths Day/Night All
AL C Walrus 2 Walrus Common Walrus Island Day/Night All


Image Trash Description Location
AL T Blue cassette 2 Blue Cassette Tape You are old if you know how to use a pencil in it Junk Bay
AL T Broken fish finder 2 Broken Fish Finder I suppose giving it a kick won't make it work Arctic Depths, Iceberg, Knik Creek, Whale Depths
AL T Chip bag 2 Chip Bag Relentless human garbage Cold Bay, Junk Bay, Knik Creek
AL T Compass 2 Compass Just point me in the right direction Center 1 (Abandoned Fishing Base)
AL T Fishing line 2 Fishing Line Good that no one got entangled in it Center 1 (Abandoned Fishing Base), Iceberg, Seal Bay, Ship 4, Walrus Island
AL T Frozen acorn 2 Frozen Acorn This heralds the end of the Ice Age Arctic Depths, Cook Bay, Junk Bay, Whale Depths
AL T Gold nugget 2 Gold Nugget This area was famous for its huge gold deposits. Gold Island
AL T Gold pan 2 Gold Pan In efficient hands, this simple pan is a game changer Gold Island
AL T Ham can 2 Ham Can It's not a proper place for cans Arctic Village, Polar Beach, Seal Bay, Ship 1, Ship 2
AL T Harpoon 2 Harpoon A strange prickly stick Harpoon Island
AL T Innertube 2 Innertube Perfect for swimming lessons Ship 1, Junk Bay, Knik Creek
AL T Life jacket 2 Life Jacket I wonder if it fulfilled its task because the owner is not here Canoe Islet, Ekuk Airport, Iceberg, Salmon Waters, Seal Bay, Ship 2
AL T Meteorite 2 Meteorite When it's close, it weakens me, just like Superman. Or it's high raditation Arctic Depths (UFO area)
AL T Moose antler 2 Moose Antler What a strange looking seaweed Canoe Islet, Junk Bay
AL T Oil barrel 2 Oil Barrel It shouldn't be here Ekuk Airport
AL T Ski 2 Ski Classic model - fast, cheap, and wet Canoe Islet
AL T Snow shovel 2 Snow Shovel Anyone who doesn't throw a snow shovel in anger doesn't know the real winter Canoe Islet, Knik Creek, Seal Bay, Whale Depths
AL T Snowman hat 2 Snowman Hat Olaf, is that you? Arctic Depths, Eek Island (??), Knik Creek, Seal Bay
AL T Snowshoe 2 Snowshoe That feeling when the ice is not as thick as you expected Radio Point (Research station)
AL T Tetrix floppy disk 3.5 2 Tetrix Floppy Disk 3.5 Another floppy disk? There must be a computer nerd around here Arctic Depths, Arctic Village, Center 1, Seal Bay
AL T Treasure Chest 2 Treasure Chest Maybe it can still be opened? Ship 1, Ship 3, Ship 4
AL T Video cassette 2 Video Cassette Titled "Landing on the Moon: Director's Cut" Arctic Depths, Cold Bay, Eek Island (??)
AL T Viking helmet 2 Viking Helmet This is probably a souvenir of unannounced guests Ship 2
AL T Vinyl record 2 Vinyl Record Black Frisby it's the coolest Abandoned Fishing Base, Cold Bay, Cook Bay, Junk Bay, Knik Creek, Walrus Island
AL T Walrus tusk 2 Walrus Tusk An asymmetrical walrus must look quite funny Ekuk Airport, Ship 1, Walrus Island


Image Monster Rarity Location Time Months
AL M Kraken 2 Kraken Legendary Four spots between Cold Bay, Whales Depths and Walrus Island (rotating daily) Day/Night (especially at dusk) All



  1. Port Harbor
  2. Canoe Islet
  3. Ekuk Airport
  4. Polar Beach
  5. Iceberg
  6. Arctic Village
  7. Cold Bay
  8. Walrus Island
  9. Knik Creek
  10. Whale Depths
  11. Radio Point
  12. Salmon Waters
  13. Gold Island
  14. Cook Bay
  15. Eek Island
  16. Moose Rock
  17. Seal Bay
  18. Halibut Cove
  19. Clark's Point
  20. Arctic Depths

Fishing locations[]


  • Not only is there a UFO underwater in the southeast of Alaska, but another UFO can be found frozen in ice on the Polar Beach.